
The LOOP Mission case The All Blacks case

It is your DNA, your identity

Your signature, your imprint and therefore the mental image that you will imprint in a lasting way to your audiences, which translates the long-term philosophy of your person, organization and product. Some people define this mental image by limiting it to its graphic identity, which is accompanied by a promise.


  • Value study
  • Definition of your Why
  • Building a vision
  • Definitions of Mission, Vision, Value
  • Strategic axis in communication
  • Approach to the diffusion of innovation
  • Development of strategic alliances
  • Video production and direction
  • Advertising
  • Graphic design

It is much more. This DNA is made up of several even more complex elements. It must be encoded in a language of its own, recognized in different contexts and circumstances. But it should not be limited to understand the positioning by the recognizability of [brand image].(/services/image-de-marque).

The positioning will be interpreted as the backbone around which all the elements of your communications must pivot. We will talk about strong corporate values by inducing image, internal quality. It is the construction of the positioning is thus this sum of tangible and [intangible] assets(/blog/intangibilite) which together form a whole.

In order to better understand the notion of positioning, we can study together the case of the # All Blacks of New Zealand. All Blacks

A matter of culture

The external and internal perspectives oppose public relations, advertising, your instagram account (in short, you get the picture.) In opposition to the life of an organization or a person who wants to create an image in reference to himself, to his personality. The internal positioning is translated by the culture of the company as well as its fundamental values. We will talk about strong corporate values by inducing an image, quality of life, an internal atmosphere.

From words to deeds

Can we believe in what we are told? Is the sender of the information credible? Are you able to convince the public opinion on one side of the merits of your actions? We will also say that a person, a spokesperson and an organization is reliable and credible by observing the repetition of concrete actions that are in line with the values it promotes. The credibility of an organization can also be measured by its ability to convince other organizations to believe in its potential and solvency. A popularity rating, a credit rating, is a form of credibility.

It is also generally agreed that credibility is a perception and an attribute given by the observer to information, an action of a person or an institution. The credibility of an organization can thus be recognized if it is recognized by its peers, a bank, a government, etc. The same goes for a spokesperson. He will be recognized as an expert in his field as soon as his environment pays him special and sustained attention.

People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do. Lewis Cass


We can also include the concept of legitimacy, that intangible value that would refer to the benevolence of an organization. What will be the measurable positive impacts of your mission? Can we easily observe the concrete actions of the why of this organization?

When we talk about legitimacy, this [intangible] value(/blog/intangibilite?classes=btn-link) it will be necessary to relate the brand to its reliability and therefore the repetition of concrete actions that are in line with the values it promotes.

In times of crisis, good communication is a necessity. In front of the court of public opinion, convincing people of the legitimacy and validity of one's actions is the priority. "The legitimacy of an organization is therefore intimately linked to its credibility and crisis management will often depend on the way these actions are communicated.

Trust and Sympathy Capital

Maintaining a relationship of trust with its internal and external audiences is of paramount importance. This sense of appreciation, loyalty, and even complicity is a significant help for an organization to better maneuver in a competitive environment and to get through difficult times, even crises.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability programs are crucial elements that often form an excellent reputation enhancer. The impact of such measures is often underestimated. Positive legitimacy is synonymous with goodwill. This collective feeling of shared appreciation is like money in the bank that can be used in a crisis.

The full integration of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) report into the company's annual report is an emerging trend. It is part of the company's positioning and allows it to tell its story, its values, its foundations.

By telling its story, we expose to all its audiences (internal as well as external) a set of values that found the mission and why of the company. Just think of the enormous success of the Bell Cause campaign, which succeeded in transforming the company's image as a citizen by demystifying mental health, engaging the population and increasing the brand's reputation.

When trust isn't there. Often, there is a significant dichotomy between the values a company puts forward and the actions it takes in the internal and external spheres. Therefore, we cannot call a company integrity and legitimacy if it does not move from words to actions.

In times of crisis, everything moves faster. The legitimacy and sustainability of organizations will be questioned. We will analyze them under the criteria of benevolence in relation to the communities in which they evolve. Benevolent action, like philanthropy, is an excellent strategic axis that reinforces the legitimacy and credibility of an organization because it reminds its values and mission in its community.

The unfortunate observation that can be made in the current context testifies to this reality in the public sphere in Quebec. The most flagrant case is that of companies that in times of crisis Covid-19, do not have the courage to act according to their promise and do not meet the expectations of its various audiences with which it interacts.

  • In Quebec, 2 out of 5 employees (41%) who are currently employed say that they will start looking for a new employer as soon as the COVID-19 stops hitting hard. _
  • 16% of current employees feel that their company's response to the pandemic has resulted in a decrease in their sense of loyalty.

Olivier-schmouker, The Business, Trust has taken a hit...11/06/2020

These same people, in a purely instinctive way, cannot continue to progress in an environment where they do not meet their expectations of an honest, legitimate and safe environment. They will therefore go in search of a new identity, a new group to belong to.

Build your momentum